Risks of Do-It-Yourself Tree Service

Most of us might say that taking good care of our trees is easy. We do not need professional tree care services with us since we can do the job alone. Hiring a professional tree care service can only cause additional expenses for us. But, did you know that taking good care of trees, especially removal is one of the most dangerous and deadliest occupations? Yes, you read it right! We can say that tree care and removal might be a simple job, but the real thing is you cannot do it without proper skills and training. You should have the knowledge to control the trees and to avoid injuries.  

We, and our properties, can enjoy many benefits when we have trees around us. During the summer season, trees provide shade. Apart from that, trees can give us exquisite landscapes and enhance the beauty of our home. Growing trees is a form of investment that is worthwhile. It can help us increase the value of our property and can give us a healthy environment for our family. However, when our trees are dying, we should not wait for them to fall and cause accidents. We should call the tree service care Stockton immediately before things get worst. Aside from tree removal, they can prune your trees, take good care of them, and many more. Instead of putting yourself in danger by taking good care of your trees, let the professionals do it.  

If you are still undecided whether to let professionals take good care of your trees or not, we will give you the risks of DIY tree service. This article will be an eye-opener for you who wish to never work with professionals. 

  1. Since you love your trees, you do not want to damage them. But, if you do not have skills and training on how to take good care of your trees, you, yourself, can put the lives of your trees in trouble. We should always remember that there are different species of trees. And there are different ways to prune them properly. If we are not registered arborists, the chances are high that we can create permanent damages. A registered arborist knows techniques and has the skills to handle trees well.  
  1. Not all of us are used to work at heights. But when we want to deal with our trees alone, we should be open to the idea of working with heights. It is the kind of job that you do not want to handle if you are afraid of falling.  
  1. If you want to take good care of your trees alone, you should be ready with falling branches, limbs, and trees. If you do not know about cutting your trees, everything is difficult for you. You can put your life at risk, especially when your trees are big. Also, the chances are high that you can damage your neighbor`s property with the falling trees. And that is not a good idea.  
  1. If you want to DIY your tree care service, ensure that you have the proper tools and equipment for the job. You should be well-equipped with safety materials that will help you avoid accidents.  

Is It Necessary to Remove a Tree Stump?

For a couple of homeowners, a tree stump can be unappealing. To some, it can be a safety threat. It does not matter what you think about your tree stump, you’re likely wondering why is it still there.  

In general, it’s easy to remove the rest of the tree. This includes the branches and the trunk. However, this is not the case when it comes to tree stumps. They can be extremely hard to remove, depending on the species, health, and size of the tree. That’s why a couple of homeowners choose to not remove the tree stump. 

So, when is it necessary to remove a tree stump? Before you hire an Evergreen tree trimming and removal service, here are several things you should consider: 

Pest Infestation 

One of the major problems with dead trees is that they can attract pests. Because of this, it is crucial to prune the plants and trees on your lawn regularly. If there is less dead plant matter, there is less food for pests.  

Unluckily, dead tree stumps can be one of the major attractions for diseases and pests.  

Termites, carpenter ants, and other pests that feed on the wood are naturally attracted to dead tree stumps. Once they create a nest on your tree stump, it is only a matter of time until they infest healthy trees and plants on your lawn. Their presence on your lawn is also a red flag for your house.  

That is why you have to remove the tree stump to ensure you prevent this problem from happening.  

Safety Hazard 

A lot of homeowners improve their lawn so that their kids can play around it. Because of this, safety should always be your number one priority. If you’re a parent, you have to guarantee your kids are safe when playing in the backyard.  

Unluckily, a tree stump can present a major threat to safety in your backyard. It is easy for your kid to trip and fall over the root or the stump itself.  

A tree stump can be a liability as well. You can be liable if someone trips over the tree stump on your lawn. If you want to avoid this unnecessary stress, make sure you hire a professional tree stump removal company for help.  

The Appearance of Your Lawn 

On its own, a tree stump can become an immediate eyesore on your lawn. This is particularly true if it is standing in an area where every person can see it. It might not be so obvious if the tree stump is located in a bushy and dense area.  

You can always surround the tree stump with garden features to hide it. This includes a garden bench, bushes, shrubs, and pot plants.  

However, a tree stump can lower the value of your property. So, if you’re planning to sell your home in the future, an ugly tree stump can lower its selling price. If you’ve got a tree stump, people will assume that your property is not well maintained.